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The Wedding & Family photographer with the MOST Deep Creek experience!

Holler! I'm Jessica

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Photog Q&A: Lenses

Photog Q&A is a new blog series! I receive a lot of specific questions from individuals about photography and running a small business, so along with my newly added mentor meetings, I’m going to start offering some educational opportunities here, too!

I think one of the most frequent questions I get asked is “What kind of equipment do you use?”. 9 times out of 10, people looking to either buy a DSLR camera or make another investment in their photography journey are the ones asking. I don’t at all mind talking about equipment and making recommendations, but it can be an overwhelming answer for some. There are so many different options…Nikon or Canon? Prime or Macro? Rebel or Mark III? So for the first two Photog Q&A posts, I’m going to focus on lenses and camera bodies. First up, lenses!

Some photographers believe it’s the lens that produces sharp, vibrant images. Some also believe it’s the camera. I’m a believer that it’s both…with the photographer being a factor as well. I’ve made the decision to buy only L lenses from Canon (I’ve always shot Canon, so I know very little about Nikon) because they’re the best Canon has to offer and they help me produce sharp, vibrant images. I haven’t always been able to afford L lenses, so this post will include both non-L and L lenses (all for Canon cameras) in the hopes of helping people across the spectrum. 🙂

Disclaimer: I, by no means, am a lens expert. The following information is based on my own equipment and experiences. This is simply my opinion and is not a complete list of lens possibilities or lens facts.

My First Lens – Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 Autofocus Lens for Canon EOS

I didn’t have thousands of dollars to invest in fancy lenses when I first started my business, so I needed the next best thing. After recommendations from a friend, I chose the Sigma. I also wanted something that was pretty universal, but would also do well in low light. The 24-70 focal length options and the ability to open to a 2.8 aperture were great features for me as a new photographer. I was able to shoot wide angle and zoom a little if needed. I could also shoot “wide open” (at a lower aperture/larger aperture opening) and get that pretty “blurry” background, or bokeh. This lens produced awesome color and got me through my first year of weddings and portrait sessions. If you’re not sure where your photography journey might take you, consider something like the Sigma. It’s just over $800.

My First Prime Lens – Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Autofocus Lens

Still not having tons of money to spend, I purchased a super inexpensive, light-weight, prime lens during my second year of business. I had heard wonderful things about prime lenses (fixed focal length, you have to physically move your body if you want to zoom in or out), but wasn’t going to spend $1300 on the one I thought I wanted if I didn’t like the prime style. So I purchased the 50mm for $100! It was a great travel lens because it was small, light-weight, set at a nice portrait focal length and I could shoot wide open at 1.8, which was especially great for low-light situations since I didn’t carry around a flash. For $100, this lens did what I needed it to do – travel easily and give me a prime experience without a high cost. Unfortunately, it sort of pooped out on me about a year later, but for $100, what can you expect? I definitely recommend it for anyone wanting to shoot a little more wide open, but isn’t super serious about turning professional or having a business just yet.

My First L Lens – Canon EF 35mm f/1.4 USM Wide-Angle Autofocus Lens

I rented (more on renting equipment later in this post) this lens before actually making the purchase because it was a whopping $1300! Yep, that’s right. Photography is an investment, y’all!!! But I knew I needed to make the investment to make myself a better photographer, produce higher quality images and take my business to the next level…and it was definitely one of the best purchases I’ve ever made! I use this lens 75% of the time. I love shooting at a wide angle and of course I love shooting as wide open as I can to get that pretty “blurry” bokeh. When I’m at a wedding, in a small room, surrounded by bridesmaids, I can’t take the risk of missing a moment because I have a 135mm lens and can neither zoom out or move my feet backwards. The 35mm gives me so much freedom and I’m always pleased with the images it produces…even if it does require a little more cropping in post-processing.

My Second L Lens – Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Telephoto Zoom Lens

This is a big one! The lens is physically large and it’s got a hefty price tag! I also rented this lens before actually making the purchase because it was yet another investment worth $2400! Just like with the prime lenses, I had heard how wonderful this lens was, especially for wedding photographers. But $2400!?! GOODNESS! That price tag almost made me ill. So I rented it first and sure enough, it was awesome. I use this lens at every wedding and have started using it during some portrait sessions. It does well as both a portrait and event lens, so while it may be a bit more versatile than my 35mm, I don’t use it a ton. Only being able to open to a 2.8 aperture does hold me back a bit because I’ve become so used to the ability of the 1.4, but it’s a lens I definitely need to learn to use more often. If you’re a new photographer, I wouldn’t worry about investing in something like this. But if you’re getting serious in your business and are shooting more than just portraits, definitely give this one a try.

My Third L Lens – Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Lens

This lens was probably one of my easiest purchases. I had been shooting with a 50mm f 2.5 macro lens that was doing what I needed it to do, but after being inspired to produce better ring shots, I knew I needed to upgrade. So last year I purchased this lens for under $1000! After spending $1300 and $2400, this was a much easier dent in the wallet. I only use the macro lens for ring shots at weddings (sometimes a few more details like the bride’s earrings) and baby details during a newborn session, so it’s probably my least-used lens. But like with the others, totally worth the investment. The sharpness and colors that the L lenses produce is just beautiful! Definitely a good lens to have if you photograph weddings, newborns or both!

My Fourth L Lens – Canon Telephoto EF 135mm f/2.0L USM Autofocus Lens

I just purchased this lens last week and I’m already loving it! I’ve used it for birth photography and a newborn session. It allows me to get close up without being “all up in your grill”, which was especially beneficial during little Henry’s birth (story coming to the blog soon!). One of my photog friends told me that this is Canon’s sharpest lens and I might believe that. The sharp, colorful, standout elements of the images it has produced have been a welcomed surprise and I cannot wait to test this out a wedding! It’s not a lens I would recommend to beginning photographers, but definitely someone looking to expand their arsenol for weddings and portrait sessions.

Other lenses I’d recommend…

Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Autofocus Lens

In my opinion, just like the 50mm f 1.8, this is a great starter lens. It’ll give you an opportunity to produce sharper images with some pretty bokeh at a lower cost. B&H Photo (where I get almost all of my equipment) currently has the lens for $399 with a $60 instant savings.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Autofocus Lens

This will be my next purchase! It’s reviewed as another great portrait lens that produces beautifully sharp and vibrant images. Of course that means it comes with a hefty price tag of $2199. B&H is currently offering a $200 instant savings, which takes it under $2000!

And if you’re unsure about any lens or other equipment, consider renting! I’ve done a lot of renting in my business days and while it ultimately costs more money in the long run because I usually buy what I rent, it’s a non-committal way of using something that you might be hesitant to purchase. I use both and You choose what you rent and the amount of time you’d like to rent it. They send the equipment as quickly as the next day complete with shipping materials for when you return the equipment. It’s a pretty easy process and it’s fun to receive new, pretty equipment in the mail. 🙂

If you’re a Nikon user, I’m sorry this post was all about Canon. BUT, I’m pretty sure Nikon has lenses comparable to all the ones mentioned above. I’m sure you can either call B&H or Nikon and ask. is a great resource that allows you to compare different pieces of equipment…it might be helpful in this non-Nikon situation. 🙂

Whether you’re a newbie photog or an experienced photog with a small business, I hope you found this post helpful! If you did, leave me a comment so I know to continue similar posts. And if you’re looking to learn more about equipment, shooting and growing, consider doing a mentor meeting with me sometime in the near futrue! Happy shooting, y’all!


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  1. Rebecca says:

    I love love love that 135mm. For exactly the reason you stated…you get to stay back out of the way and just capture the moment without being all up in someone’s business.

  2. John says:

    Great read! I like how you gave real situations where you can utilize each lens. I always tell my photography friends to check out (great forums with people willing to answer your questions), but also which usually has really good reviews of camera equipment. Looking forward to your next Q&A!

  3. Kate says:

    I enjoyed this artical so much. Being a Canon user myself, this was extremely helpful. Thank You!

  4. Stacey says:

    Thanks so much! A great read full of awsesome info! Even though I shoot Nikon, it still helped to confirm the desires I have for a few lenses I am saving for. 🙂

  5. Katie says:

    Hey, Jessica! Not sure if you remember me from high school, but I’ve been following all your posts and blog entries for about a year now. I love what you do and how your personality comes through your work. I’m a full-time photography manager at a portrait studio in Pittsburgh so it’s very hard to get my own freelancing going, especially since I work almost every weekend. I am going to have so many questions about starting your own business, so I love that you are starting a Q&A blog! I use Nikon myself but the lenses are very similar and you confirmed everything I was thinking about purchasing. I recently got the Nikon 50mm f/1.8g AF-S Nikkor FX lens and I LOVE it as my first prime lens. Looking forward to the next blog! Thanks!

    • Jessica Fike says:

      Hi Katie! What’s your last name? Maybe then I’ll remember you. 🙂 And thanks so much for following my blog! So glad you’ve enjoyed it and found this post helpful. If you’d ever be interested in a mentor meeting, shoot me an email. Thanks for saying hi!

      • Katie says:

        Haha it’s Mongell. Sorry I figured you’d be able to see my email. I would love a mentor session – the problem is finding the time and a weekend that I actually have off, but I will definitely contact you in the future. Hopefully sooner than later!

        • Jessica Fike says:

          Oh yes, I remember you! So nice to reconnect. 🙂 I’d love to do a mentor meeting with you sometime, so def let me know if you’re ever interested! Let’s cross fingers for a free weekend sometime soon!

  6. […] all! I’m back with round two of my new blog series, Photog Q&A! My first post was all about lenses…the ones I have used, currently use, plan to use in the future, and the ones I recommend to […]

Scenes and thoughts from deep creek

Well hey now! I thought for sure it had been more than seven months since I blogged last! Wish I could do it more…and plan to as soon as the new JFP website comes out.

I’m not sure I’m starting anything consistent here, just sharing some random thoughts and scenes from Deep Creek on this random Wednesday…

Scroll through some favorite blog posts!

- Dani

Jessica is amazing and she made us feel so comfortable! Having her capture our wedding was like having my best friend with me for every moment! Jessica's photos are fun, whimsical, and sophisticated!

We are not a stoic couple and did not want posed (or trying-too-hard) photos! Jessica was able to capture our personalities and the elegance of the day! I can't stop looking at our photos!

"Jessica is amazing!"

- Jessica and brandon

The best decision I could have made for my wedding was hiring Jessica Fike as a photographer! I was in a wedding prior that she was a photographer for and seeing how organized and easy and strategic she was to work with is what convinced me! She makes you feel so comfortable and helps teach you how to pose and smile and look so natural! She keeps you on schedule throughout your day and captures so much emotion in her photos. She is worth every penny plus more!

" the best decision."

Big Fun

Big Information