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The Wedding & Family photographer with the MOST Deep Creek experience!

Holler! I'm Jessica

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The Power Of Prints!

I was inspired to write the post by a couple photographers that I follow. I’m sure it’s a topic that’s been discussed and shared over and over, but maybe my readers haven’t been exposed to it yet? Thanks to my fellow photogs for inspiring me. 🙂

When I first started taking pictures, which was “back in the day” when I had a film point-and-shoot Canon Powershot camera that could fit in my pocket, I put a lot of effort into printing those pictures, sharing them with friends and family, and preserving them in scrapbooks. That was over 10 years ago and boy have things changed since then.

I no longer own that film Powershot camera, I shoot completely in digital form and I print hardly ever. The most printing action my labs see are from a few client album orders and occasional Ally prints for the grandparents. That’s it. I love knowing that all my pictures are saved in digital form on my computer (and other places for clients) and that I can see them at any moment with just a few clicks. So spending the time and money on prints or albums doesn’t seem too logical or even cost-worthy. But does keeping those pictures locked away on my computer decorate a home, encourage family story time or help preserve memories to their fullest? NOPE.

I’m going to share some reasons why we all should do a little more printing when it comes to our pictures. And I’ll be the first to admit that I need to follow my own advice. Hopefully this will especially encourage my clients to do more than keep their pretty pink flash drives tucked away in their desk drawers and purse pockets. 🙂

1. Printing = sharing!

When you have pretty pictures, don’t you want to share them with everyone!?! I wanted to share mine “back in the day” and I still love to do it now! Every few months, I print a bunch of Ally’s latest pictures specifically for the grandparents. My mom, dad, mother-in-law and father-in-law all have prints of Ally on their desks at work because she makes them happy and they’re proud to share with others. What proud grandparent doesn’t love to share? What proud mom or dad doesn’t love to share their parent album from their son or daughter’s wedding? Sharing prints (and albums and books) usually results in conversation, smiles and good feelings…and who doesn’t want all of those? Pictures also make pretty Christmas cards to share with family and friends. I LOVE receiving picture-printed cards during the holidays (a select few from this past Christmas are pictured above)!

2. Printing = gifting!

Along with giving the grandparents prints of Ally, we also gift them Ally pictures at Christmas time. Between our parents and grandparents, we’ve given a bunch of photo gifts including desk and wall calendars, books and coffee mugs, and all have been a great success! Gifting pictures is super easy and it’s meaningful. Proud grandparents not only like to share prints, they also love to receive printed gifts that include their grandkids’ smiling faces. 🙂

3. Printing = story-telling!

I have many memories of sitting on the living room floor with my Grandma Vilella and looking through old pictures…old PRINTED pictures. She used to have boxes and boxes of pictures of my dad, my uncles and she and her late husband from 50+ years ago. 50+ years ago!? How neat is that? I have an idea of what life was like back then and I have an idea of what my dad was like as a kid because of those pictures and the stories my grandma told to go along with them. Not only was I able to learn about my family’s past, but those pictures also created a nice bonding time for my grandma and siblings. How many times do I gather around the computer to sift through old pictures with my grandma now? NONE. We might not look through boxes of pictures anymore either, but we certainly talk about the ones she has framed in her house. We’ve also begun searching further in Vilella family history thanks to my dad’s cousin. His collection of old pictures has created some awesome story-telling at our Christmas gatherings.

4. Printing = decorating!

Framed prints and canvases are awesome ways to decorate a home! Print some family portraits, put ’em in some shabby chic frames and place them on your mantle. Or choose your favorite wedding picture, have it printed on a huge canvas and hang it on a blank wall. Nothing says “home” like you and your loved ones decorating and filling the spaces with your own memories. I hope to do this a lot more when we’re in our new home later this year!

5. Printing = preserving memories!

While it’s unlikely for the near future, chances are, discs and flash drives will eventually become obsolete. Do you remember the floppy disk? What if all the pictures you ever took or possessed existed only on those mediums? You’d run the risk of never being able to view them again! But what if you also had prints of those pictures? Printing your family portraits and ordering a wedding album creates a kind of back-up for those digital files that we all seem to take for granted. It’s also just way cooler (and somewhat moving) to see such pictures in a physical, tangible form. And get this! Printing pictures also allows you to preserve memories through sharing, gifting, story-telling, and decorating. They all sort of tie together!

Prints, they’re a pretty powerful thing, huh? In an effort to encourage more printing from my clients, I’m offering some discounts! First up, 20% off all prints and products ordered through your online gallery. Just use the coupon code “prints20” when checking out between now and midnight (EST) on Monday, March 4th.

Next up, albums and books! The 8×8 custom photo cover coffee table book and 10×10 flush mount leather album are also 20% off! If you’re interested, email me at before midnight (EST) on Monday, March 4th to receive the discount. This discount can only be applied to new orders, not products listed in client contracts.

One last tip. If you’re going to print professional pictures, DON’T GO TO WALMART or other quickie printing places. I believe their printing can significantly reduce the quality of a picture, especially if you use the instant printers. Walmart is quick and easy, and I think it’s totally fine for pictures from a point-and-shoot camera, but if you have images taken by a professional photographer, seriously consider ordering your prints from them. If they’re like me, they work with at least one professional lab that has equipment capable of printing high-quality prints and products from high-quality files. If you still insist on doing your own printing and ordering, may I suggest Their prices are very affordable, they have an insanely quick turnaround time and their products are professional.

It’s time to get out there and print! 🙂

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Scenes and thoughts from deep creek

Well hey now! I thought for sure it had been more than seven months since I blogged last! Wish I could do it more…and plan to as soon as the new JFP website comes out.

I’m not sure I’m starting anything consistent here, just sharing some random thoughts and scenes from Deep Creek on this random Wednesday…

Scroll through some favorite blog posts!

- Dani

Jessica is amazing and she made us feel so comfortable! Having her capture our wedding was like having my best friend with me for every moment! Jessica's photos are fun, whimsical, and sophisticated!

We are not a stoic couple and did not want posed (or trying-too-hard) photos! Jessica was able to capture our personalities and the elegance of the day! I can't stop looking at our photos!

"Jessica is amazing!"

- Jessica and brandon

The best decision I could have made for my wedding was hiring Jessica Fike as a photographer! I was in a wedding prior that she was a photographer for and seeing how organized and easy and strategic she was to work with is what convinced me! She makes you feel so comfortable and helps teach you how to pose and smile and look so natural! She keeps you on schedule throughout your day and captures so much emotion in her photos. She is worth every penny plus more!

" the best decision."

Big Fun

Big Information