get to know ME more!

Hi Thank you so much for visiting the blog! Whether you're looking for more pretty pictures, inspiration for your wedding day, or some useful Deep Creek info, I hope you'll find a comfy seat, maybe a cup of coffee, and read on!

The Wedding & Family photographer with the MOST Deep Creek experience!

Holler! I'm Jessica

Browse the Blog:

Mentor Meetings

I’ve been going back and forth with the idea of “giving back” to the photography industry for a while now. I’ve received many emails, Facebook messages and in-person questions from other photographers and aspiring photographers about equipment, starting a business, creating a website, and lots of other things that go along being a professional photog. I absolutely love helping everyone that approaches me with questions, so I have no problem sharing my knowledge and experience. I actually think it helps me grow in my own photography biz and it definitely feels good to help others.

I’ve often wondered if I should turn this help into a workshop or some sort of class, but I was afraid of growing the competition and “giving away my secrets”. Then a friend reminded me (thanks, Heather!) of two things…1) No one can be me; I can teach skills and share tips, but no one else will ever have my personality, my business practices, my specific artistic eye and the experience I offer to clients all bundled up in on package and 2) There aren’t really any secrets in this industry; I’m not doing anything that somebody else hasn’t already tried. WHOA! Two big light bulbs for me! This push me a bit furthered, but it still wasn’t enough. Not until last week.

Katelyn James and Justin & Mary, two (well, really they’re three!) photographers that I follow, both shared their take on “giving back” to the industry…or “pay it forward”. They are strong believers that helping others in the industry will only help your business, not hurt it. They believe that “we’re better together” and contributing to making the industry as a whole better. Justin & Mary specifically challenged their blog readers to go out and help another photographer. I took that as a sign and am doing just that.

With MENTOR MEETINGS! This is something super new for JFP and I’m excited to announce it on the blog today. I’ve always been a “helping” kind of person and I love talking about photography and my business, so I think this is a great addition! I’ll also get to meet new people, grow in my strengths (maybe even my weaknesses) and give back to an industry that has and will continue to help me with my photography journey. If it weren’t for people like Katelyn, Justin & Mary, my mom and the two photographers that I second shot for before starting my biz, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It only seems right to take what I’ve learned and help others…to make this industry better!

So why “mentor meetings”? Recently, one person specifically asked me if I could be her mentor as she started her photography journey, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do with these meetings…is, by definition, be an “experienced adviser and supporter” for those that are less experienced. Besides, it has a little ring to it, don’t ya think? Mentor Meetings. 🙂

These mentor meetings are for anyone that is a photographer or who aspires to be a photographer. Whether you have a business or not, you’re invited! We can certainly talk business and marketing, but that doesn’t need to be part of the meeting. We can talk about lighting, posing, equipment, shooting manually…anything! It’s all about what you want to learn! We’ll meet for 2-3 hours, do some chatting, evaluating and idea-creating, and then actually get outside and shoot together. I’ll take pictures of you and you can take pictures of me…and you’ll walk away with some fabulous new headshots (for Facebook or your website)! I also want you to walk away with a better understanding of your camera, new shooting techniques and ambitious “next moves” for your photography journey or business…and we’ll write those down together.

Does this sound like something you’d be interested in!?! I sure hope so because I’m excited to help and meet new photographers! Here are the details (in addition to the ones above…don’t I look all mentor-y in the pictures?? Ha!)…

2-Hour Meeting w/out shooting
– Available on Monday and Wednesday evenings
– $125

3-Hour Meeting w/shooting & headshots
– Available on weekends
– $225

I have dates ready to go for November and December, so contact me via email ( if you’re interested in signing up! Of course I plan to offer these meetings through the winter, but my availability will lessen once the 2013 wedding season starts again in the spring.

But before we go, let’s have a little contest to give away one 3-hour meeting for FREE! Leave a comment on this post letting me know why you want to have a mentor meeting and I’ll choose one winner at random to join me before the new year! *Meeting must take place within an hour of Morgantown, WV.

So who wants to make the photography industry better with me!?! 🙂

get to know ME more!

Hi Thank you so much for visiting the blog! Whether you're looking for more pretty pictures, inspiration for your wedding day, or some useful Deep Creek info, I hope you'll find a comfy seat, maybe a cup of coffee, and read on!

The Wedding & Family photographer with the MOST Deep Creek experience!

Holler! I'm Jessica

Browse the Blog:

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  1. Whitney Distefano says:

    Wish I were closer, I’d love to learn how to use our new DSLR before Baby D gets here!

  2. Kristin Hurley says:

    I’m in Morgantown and would LOVE some help with a business. I have a start but still feel so lost and have a ton of questions. Not sure where to go next or where to focus my efforts in my art. Pick Me!!! 🙂

  3. Ashley Miller says:

    I’m NOT in Morgantown, but I would totally make the drive just to see you. I love your work to pieces. =) I’ve been in business for a little over a year now, and I’m at the stage where I want to become a brand- not just a business. I want to feel more confident in my abilities, and create a better business plan. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Jessica Dove says:

    One of my favorite parts of photography is that there is always room to grow! I would LOVE the opportunity to learn from you! Photographer’s can gain ideas, knowledge and inspiration from being open to working together but we are all still so individual and can never be duplicated. I would be very greatful for the personal and professional development your mentoring would provide. Hoping to hear from you soon. 🙂
    Blessings, Jessica

  5. Kassandra O. says:

    Im going to start offering wedding photography in 2013 and would love some advice on how to get started shooting weddings!!!!! 😉
    <3 KOP

  6. Chasity B. says:

    Photography is something that has always been of interest to me. After your intro to DSLR basics I found my passion for photography to grow tremendously. To the point of finding myself stalking you and other photographers pages on facebook. I have done several sessions for family and friends and see how much I have improved from the first shoot. Photography is still a hobby but has become an obsession for me. I have always had a creative side and photography has been an outlet for me to express it. I know I have a lot to learn and I feel that working with professional photographers will help me take my skills to the next level. I love the reward of showing someone images I have taken of them or their family and I love the joy it brings them. I see how important photography is for people and want to give them that satisfaction of making long lasting memories to cherish for years to come. I have taken so many photos of my son Eli that I have more pictures of a 27 month old then i have of myself at 31!!! I would love to learn more from you and see if I can change this hobby into a career someday.

  7. Jacqie says:

    I’d love to learn more about growing the biz and refining my brand. You’ve grown so much so quickly and I’d love your advice on top tricks and what to avoid. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Kendra Watts says:

    Oh me! Me! I’d looove to get some advice, not only from the amazing photographer you are but the great friend you are as well. I am in the “baby stages” of my photography “business” and would really love some tips on getting to know my camera better, how to shoot better in manual, shooting in certain lighting (especially those sunny days!), etc etc etc!

    I don’t know if my photography will ever kick off or become something bigger than it is now. I can dream that it will but in the meantime I’d love to just be able to take better pics of my girls and family!

  9. Justine says:

    I would love to join you for a mentoring session! I always feel there is plenty of room for growth. I often get in slumps of feeling my work isn’t worthy enough followed by a great session. This journey of photography has definitely been a roller coster ride that I would love to grow and develop more and more with. My photography business is my passion, it is my dream. Mentoring with you would be an amazing experience that would help me broaden my photography knowledge and assist in the growth of my business. Thank you for offering this experience to one lucky person!

  10. Betsy ohler says:

    I would be forever grateful having a one on one session to help give me a few pointers as a beginner photographer! It’s the small things that I just need pointers on but would do wonders for helping grow as a photographer. I love your work and watching all the techniques you use and come up with. I would be so honored to learn under your wing.

  11. Marsha Moats says:

    I really admire your photography. The help you have offered me already through email has been wonderful. I can only imagine how a mentor session could help me. I have my fingers crossed that my message is the “at random” selected. Thank you so much, Marsha Moats

  12. I have been following you for awhile now, can’t remember who introduced me to you but I am so glad it happened! Your work is gorgeous and I would love to meet with you and pick your brain on everything from photography, inspiration and the much dreaded (at least for me) business side of things! Not to mention hopefully just gaining a new tog friend!

  13. I’ve been following you on Facebook for some time and I think your photography is excellent (I’ve even reached out a few times for advice)! I could definitely use some help combing through my current portfolio and I definitely need more help as far as setting up lighting and just going through a typically wedding day. I just did a wedding last weekend and it was so hectic to what I’ve experienced in the past, I wish I had time to sit down with an experienced photographer to talk about how to handle different situations!

    At any rate, I think this is a great idea and I think that a lot of photographers could use the mentoring session!

  14. Kathryn says:

    I would love to have a mentor meeting with you! Its been great watching your photography business grow from your time at Liberty Mountain to this awesome, so-very-you business! I’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you more about so many aspects, from branding to techniques, work flow, etc. =)

  15. […] one step further into making myself, my business and the photography industry better by offering mentor meetings. I was a little nervous about offering these meetings because I wasn’t sure if anyone would […]

  16. […] from individuals about photography and running a small business, so along with my newly added mentor meetings, I’m going to start offering some educational opportunities here, […]

  17. […] been less than three months since I announced my mentor meetings. I’ve had three meetings so far and have two more on the calendar for February and March. I […]

  18. […] mentor meeting in the next few months, contact me now! You can find out more about mentor meetings here. Have a FAB weekend […]

  19. I’m a photographer in Southern WV and I would love a mentor session with you! I have admired all your work for years. I need a little jump start in my business again, weddings are my all time favorite and I would love to strictly do wedding photography in 2014!

  20. […] a year ago, I started offering mentor meetings as a way to explore the joy of teaching photography and to give back to this wonderful industry […]

Scenes and thoughts from deep creek

Well hey now! I thought for sure it had been more than seven months since I blogged last! Wish I could do it more…and plan to as soon as the new JFP website comes out.

I’m not sure I’m starting anything consistent here, just sharing some random thoughts and scenes from Deep Creek on this random Wednesday…

Scroll through some favorite blog posts!

- Dani

Jessica is amazing and she made us feel so comfortable! Having her capture our wedding was like having my best friend with me for every moment! Jessica's photos are fun, whimsical, and sophisticated!

We are not a stoic couple and did not want posed (or trying-too-hard) photos! Jessica was able to capture our personalities and the elegance of the day! I can't stop looking at our photos!

"Jessica is amazing!"

- Jessica and brandon

The best decision I could have made for my wedding was hiring Jessica Fike as a photographer! I was in a wedding prior that she was a photographer for and seeing how organized and easy and strategic she was to work with is what convinced me! She makes you feel so comfortable and helps teach you how to pose and smile and look so natural! She keeps you on schedule throughout your day and captures so much emotion in her photos. She is worth every penny plus more!

" the best decision."

Big Fun

Big Information